1 of 12 Taxol Treatments: Not Tax-ing at All!

1 of 12 Taxol Treatments: Not Tax-ing at All!

I was definitely a little nervous headed into this treatment. I reacted so positively to the AC, this felt like it could have taken a different turn. But spoiler…it’s been great! I’ve felt really good today after my first Taxol. So here is the play by play:

  • 7:15 – Head to Piedmont West
    • My morning got a little away from me, I had to bring an RX Bar for breakfast. I did remember my numbing cream which is a life saver – I’m may keep some for waxing or when they run regular IVs. But new for this round is I have to bringing ice for my nails.  Prepping the cooler took a few minutes – more to come on that. I also started my vitamin B regimen which is supposed to help with Taxol.
  • 7:30 – Tap my port
    • Port tapping was painless. My huge disappointment is I’m up another 4lbs in 2 weeks! It’s really a bummer gaining weight. The good news with Taxol is I only have IV steroids and I don’t have to take oral steroids the days after, so maybe I can curb this appetite a bit.
  • 8:00 – Met with Doc
    • Meeting was good. He caught me with my laptop in the room knocking out some work and said I was his most computer savvy patient. He was bummed I didn’t have the hat today.
    • We hit a few topics
      • My cough – I noted I got it under control with Claritin-D (the decongestant version) and Nyquil at night. He was good with the regimen, and said I was cleared to continue taking it with Taxol. With Taxol I no longer get Nulasta either so I can stop taking daily Claritin for that. I’ll continue though till the cough is gone.
      • Swelling – Next up was debriefing on the swelling from the week before. I gave him the update from the aspiration – “consistent with cancer” and he said it’s likely from the necrosis of the cancer cells causing it. After googling necrosis, I agreed that is a good thing. So no concern anymore about the cyst! Spirits up!
      • Lump – He then did a check of the lump – and he said he can barely feel it. He seemed very happy with my progress; he was also impressed I made a work trip this week.
      • Taxol Side Effects – Taxol has little nausea associated with it. More likely side effects are muscle pain and neuropathy (nerve pain or damage – it’s common in your toes and fingers where the drug is likely to pool. It can cause pain or numbs, which is why they recommend icing your nails). He also said tomorrow I may have flu like symptoms. Fingers crossed I don’t.
      • Blood Tests – My blood panels he said looked good. Did say my red blood cells are dipping a bit but that’s to be expected and they were still within ok ranges.
      • Ativan – We both agreed to not do it today and see how it goes.
      • Then I got the all clear!
    • 8:30 – Picked my new window corner chair
      • A friend of mine came looking for me, Mary – she picked the seat next to me. She’s a lovely woman, we chatted about her grandchildren. She even hinted to her husband that she’s like a pair of my Tory Burch Wedges I got from the outlets. I hope she gets them.
      • I was able to quickly get 4 work items done so I could relax while they mixed my meds. I was in a time crunch now that I have to ice my nails and I can’t work on the computer during the drugs (bummer)
      • Next they brought the meds. They pushed in the steroid (my least favorite along with the saline which I can taste) then Benadryl and Pepcid
      • Before she started the Taxol drip. I got my cold mittens and socks out. I was not looking forward to cold. The Socks weren’t too bad, but putting my whole hands in the mittens was too cold. So I just pushed my fingers on them.
      • My Ice mittens and socks

      • Let the drip begin – They started the Taxol Normally, they’ll drip it over 1 hour, but because it was my first time they driped it for over 2.5 hours! Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared with enough cold ice, as my packed warmed after about 40 mins.
      • During the drop there were 3 Bell Rings. They have a huge bell that I learned you can ring when you’re done with chemo or when you have a big milestone. I wish I knew – I would have rang it after my last AC. That’s ok, I’m ready to ring at the end of this.
      • The drip was fine, I got a little sleepy with the benadryl but didn’t fall asleep. I enjoyed some Hamilton Soundtrack and chatting with the hubby.
      • I finished at 11:40 and ran over to Acupuncture – as I was so late David had to squeeze me in.
    • 11:15 – Acupuncture
      • Another great session with David. I stayed awake and chatted. A few needles were “electrical” today and pinched, but overall good.
    • 12:15 – Headed home and grabbed some soup and salad for lunch before joining a workshop

The rest of the day I’ve felt fine. When I was hungry I got a little sour stomach, but as soon as I ate, I felt much better. I’m feeling good tonight so I’m super optimistic about Taxol!  I even tried on a few cheap wigs too this evening:

2 Replies to “1 of 12 Taxol Treatments: Not Tax-ing at All!”

  1. You are doing so great! The short wig looks good. You are such a trooper. Love Georgia

  2. U look good with red hair maybe I should look into getting a toupee. Your loving father

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