1 of 8 – Chemo Rounds Complete!

I just finished my first round of Xeloda. I have 7 or 8 rounds total. So far I haven’t noticed any side effects but like before, it builds over time so we’ll see next round. I now get 7 days off and will have a visit to the doctor on Thursday to check all is going well.

During this time we made a trip to Disneyland (which was fantastic) but this also meant changing time zones. The doctor said to stick to taking the pill with breakfast and dinner instead of keeping with EST times for the pill. This worked out, but I will say it’s super inconvenient having to take the pills. Like when I left the pills at the house and was out for dinner.

So right now outside of the inconvenience of taking the pill it’s not so bad. I’ll keep you posted though as things develop.

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