11 of 12 Taxol Treatments: Finish Line in Sight (T minus 1)

Treatment went very well Tuesday (I got Monday off for Labor day).  Shawn and I had a great anniversary trip to Portland Maine with Grace. My treatment Tuesday was special as Aubrey flew in from Copenhagen to join me! I have her with me for a week, and she’ll come to my last treatment with me.  I couldn’t be more happy to have her with me, both during treatment and in life. 

  • 8:20 – Arrival
  • 8:40 – Port tapped
    • Weight –  I was 2 lbs even with vacation – but up 10 still 🙁
  • 8:45 – Met with PA
    • Nails – She looked at my toes and thinks they may not fall off – woohoo! Polish on them is important though.  She also mentioned people usually have issues with toe nails OR finger nails but not usually both which is interesting.
    • We confirmed I’ll probably see her again after surgery.
  • 9:10 – Down to infusion
    • Got a corner seat
    • Aubs and I enjoyed a fun infusion, and I even stayed awake through the benadryl!

  • 11:00 – Done with Chemo
  • 11:30 – Done with Acupuncture!

It was great to have Aubs with me.  I look forward to next week – MY LAST CHEMO! The hat will be making a return… Then I just need to finalize everything for 10/25 Surgery!

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