2 of 8 – Chemo Rounds Complete!

So far so good. Chemo has been going well – I’ve had no noticeable side effects.

3/28 – Had a follow up with my Radiation Oncologist. He said everything looked good and was clear. He did a check of lymph nodes, skin, listened to breathing etc. Said we’ll check again in 6 months.

3/29 – Saw my Medical Oncologist during my off week. He was very pleased I’ve had no side effects…. may have used the word amazing. I checked to be sure no side effects doesn’t mean it’s not working and he confirmed there’s no correlation with side effects and effectiveness. Said my blood work looked good. White count was a hair low but it was normal. I mentioned to both doctors slight head aches, but mentioned they may be correlated with caffeine or wearing tight wigs. Neither was concerned.

Overall it’s going well!

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