3 of 4 AC Treatment Done and Successful!

3 of 4 AC Treatment Done and Successful! The third AC treatment went extremely well! No nausea either!  Check out the play by play:

  • 7:30 – Got there early and got some breakfast
    • Eggs, avocado and bacon- Yum

Breakfast yum

  • 7:45 – Arrive to see Dr. M. And good news the hat did come! And even better than the hat – my best friend Aubrey came in from Copenhagen to join me!
  • 7:50 – Tap the port
    • Now that the medical tape on my port has finally fallen off, the numbing cream they gave me worked like a charm. Didn’t even feel the port tapping
  • 8:00 – Met with Dr. M.
    • He said my labs looked great – I was concerned if my cold would affect them, but they didn’t
    • My weight is also holding steady, though 4lbs above where I would like it to be
    • He also enjoyed my symptom tracker – impressed with my color coded scale. Said I would be great in clinical studies
    • We discussed my nausea from last go round. He mentioned that when it’s the day of it’s most likely anxiety induced so he added Ativan to my drips
    • Last he felt my cancer and said he see dramatic change which is great!
  • 8:30 – Down to pick my chair
    • Of course got my same chair – I was next to the nice couple I saw last time.

    • Drips went very well – though the Ativan put me to sleep. So I took a quick nap and boom Chemo was done.
  • Leave it to Aubrey to get my mouth breathing

    • We then handed out some Ginger cookies that Cecille made me – they were a big hit! Thanks again Cecille!

  • 11:00 – Over to Accupunture
    • Great session with David. I may have passed out there too.  I also got ear acupuncture today that stays with me during the week to help with Nausea.
  • 12:00 – Done!

Overall it was a super success. No Nausea the Ativan worked like a charm, though I did take a bunch of cat naps, and fell asleep at 9:30 last night. Didn’t wake up until 7:00 just in time to catch the end of the royal wedding. I also got in Amber and shaved my head!  It feels good to get through that. I’m liking Amber so much I’m already itching to get another fun wig. Feeling great today as I start the weekend!

Hair, no Hair

7 Replies to “3 of 4 AC Treatment Done and Successful!”

  1. Wow. Great update and glad to hear things are going smoothly. LOVE Amber!!

  2. Thanks!! Sorry I missed your call. Would love to grab lunch in the next few weeks if you’re around.

  3. I’m so glad to hear this last treatment went well. I’ve been thinking about you.

  4. Kristine, great to hear you’re still so strong and positive! Glad you’re not feeling too sick and still keeping us all in your journey! Love the new Amber look! You’re beautiful inside and out! Keep fighting! Love u!

  5. Kristine you are beautiful!! Loving the locks!! So happy you are in good spirits and in great hands with such wonderful friends. XOXO

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