4 of 12 Taxol Treatments: 1/3 of the way Through!

4 of 12 Taxol Treatments Done! I’m officially 1/3 of the way done with Taxol. All went well on Monday!

  • 8:00 – 8:30 – Blood work and met with PA
    • Blood work looked good – PA said she thinks the low week was due to the AC wearing off.  We’ll see next week though.  I was still a bit low but we went full strenght
    • weight – Up a lb which is not my favorite
    • Side Effects – none to report everything feeling good.  I may be having tiny hot flashes, but they are so small I can’t tell if it’s just Atlanta weather.
    • Lump Check – I noted that my lump feels hard now – during AC it was becoming softer and smaller, then the Cyst happened, and it has seemed to have gotten bigger than the pea size it was at one point.  The PA checked it out and said it’s similar to how she remembers it, our theory is the aspiration could have changed it and created some inflammation or scar tissue.  We’re going to watch it next week and then see what my Surgical Oncologist says on 8/1 at the next ultrasound.  If they don’t think it’s shrinking they could decide to move surgery up.  So we’ll see.  She wasn’t too concerned though because there was the cyst.  She said only once has she seen someone’s cancer get bigger during chemo.  I hope not to be the second.
  • 8:30 – 10:45 – Chemo
    • There are 3 unenjoyable things about chemo:
      • Taste of Saline – I’ve learned the bowl of hard candy in the waiting room is there to combat that! just have one on hand for the saline flushes and you’re good to go
      • Steroids – the steroid are really the only drug I can feel and they push it slow so it’s almost unnoticeable, but there’s usually a 1 or 2 seconds of ants in the pants, but it’s just a few seconds
      • Iceing – I will say having hands and feet in ice for 1.5 hours is torture.  Having an episode of 30 Rock helped though.
  • 11:00 – 11:30 – Acupuncture
    • Good relaxing session with David.
    • Done!  4 Taxol’s done!

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