4 of 4 AC Treatments Complete: ACee you Later!

ACee you later! Last AC treatment done!

Today was my last AC treatment! It went very well. I had my mother joining me for the session. And I’ve been feeling good the rest of the day, albeit a bit tired, but nothing intermittent naps can’t fix. While it’s technically not halfway yet, mentally it feels like I’m halfway through my chemo!

So the play by play:

  • 8:00 AM – Arrive for Dr. Appointment
    • I forgot the hat! Everyone was asking about it. I said I’ll bring it for the first Taxol
    • Mom joined as well

  • 8:15 AM – Met with the Nurse Amy
    • Test all looking good!
    • She looked at the cancer and said it’s very small – smaller than a pea! Next week will be the official ultrasound
    • We talked about a cough I have that is lingering from my cold, she recommended some cough medicines
    • I mentioned my weight gain and my displeasure with it. She said it’s very common especially with the steroid. Some is bloating with fluids, but some is the crazy carb cravings the steroids induce… more to come on that
    • We also decided to half my Ativan dose since it made me SOO sleepy. She said we were already at the lowest dose they do, but would ask for half.  She also reiterated that day of nausea is normally not the drugs, it’s more anxiety and mental.  She said some people see the medical center and subconsciously trigger nausea!  I normally am not stressed for sessions but you never know what the sub-conscious is up to.
    • Last we talked about the switch to Taxol. Overall it should be much better, low immune compromising, no nausea and fatigue. You do have more bone pain and soreness, and have to watch for nail and finger issues and start an Ice regime during treatment. While I’m not looking forward to cold hands and feet, it’s better than yellow nails. Taxol will also have less steroids which is my least favorite part of the cocktails
    • Meanwhile – a daddy daughter breakfast date was happening

  • 8:30 AM – Down to pick my chair
    • My chair wasn’t available so we took a different corner seat – lots of light

  • 9:00AM – 11:00 Chemo
    • It went well. I took a little cat nap, but all and all it was good

  • Ended with my last Neulasta – as we won’t have it with Taxol

  • 11:15 – Acupuncture with David
    • Great session with David, I took another nap
  • 12:00 – Lunch with Barb at JCT
    • I gave into my carb crabbing with… fries!

  • Rest of the afternoon
    • Bounced between naps and getting some work done

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good! My tummy was a little unsettled, so I took some nausea meds and some naps and am now doing well! Woo Hoo to the last AC Treatment!

3 Replies to “4 of 4 AC Treatments Complete: ACee you Later!”

  1. Yay! I’m glad you are done with the first round! I also love that Grace is eating that Five Daughters Donut with her face, she is my spirit animal.

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