5/13 – Surgery Success: Cancer, you’re “Dead to Me”

Surgery to remove the skin around the cancer lump was deemed a success by my Surgical Oncologist. I’m feeling pretty good – a little tummy rumblings but I was given a nausea patch.

It was an early morning – 6am start. I had to shower with Hibiclens and then head to the hospital. Things moved very quickly when I got there, did my intake forms, dressed in my sexy hospital socks – watch out @darlingdownsouth these are going to be the new trend…

They ran my IV and then I sat for one episode of Dead to Me (@deadtome) on Netflix:

Dead to Me is a new Netflix original with Christina Applegate(@1capplegate), who I love, another Breast Cancer Survivor! I consumed a lot of her stories when I was first diagnosed and looking for inspiration. With that, Dead to Me is a great Psychological Thriller. I’m only 2 episodes in, but apparently her character struggles with the effects of breast cancer (based on Christina’s own life.) I’m looking forward to that aspect of the show. If you need a lighter show with Christina Applegate – try Samantha Who – another show I love. Maybe Netflix can pick up that one next!

After my show, the Anesthesiologist came and asked me questions and gave me some Pepcid, pills and a patch behind my ear for nausea. Then my Oncologist showed up and we quick chatted. I mentioned I now felt some more lumps around, but she said she’s taking it all so not to worry.

Then they started the anesthesia and I took a much needed nap, after getting little to no sleep last night. I blame it on my mind spinning after seeing Avengers: End Game for Mother’s Day after a lovely dinner with Grace and my mom.

After the surgery, all went well. I was immediately discharged, and came home to a nap. I’m feeling pretty good. Tummy was a bit unsettled but feels better now. I’m trying Kombucha – heard it has good health benefits. With that I have some restrictions:

  • Light movement – no heavy exercising
  • No traveling for a few days
  • No lifting items over 10 lbs (my Grace included)
  • I have dissolvable stitches, glue and it seems not too bad – My boob is not butchered, but I’ll confirm in a few weeks.

My Oncologist told Shawn she felt good we removed everything. She said with TNBC it is very aggressive and it is not uncommon for local recurrences. She saw the chemo as effective in keeping this contained and only a small local recurrence. So overall it was good!

My terrible hair! Growing out hair is a long process..

16 Replies to “5/13 – Surgery Success: Cancer, you’re “Dead to Me””

  1. Can’t believe how fast your hair is growing back; that’s amazing. You should be encouraged by that progress along with the rest of the good news from today.

    1. Thanks Anne Marie for the support! I’m ready for long hair again so I can get my highlights on. I’m really hoping I don’t find grays; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the real color. 🙂

  2. I’m so glad to hear the surgery went well and they got it all! Ron and I read your blog often and love your fighting spirit! Let’s do dinner soon! ❤️

    1. I think I readded you, let me know if you don’t get the new post tonight.

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