5 of 12 Taxol Treatments: 5 and Alive!

Good session today, not to much to report.  All went well, and Wednesday will be another Ultrasound to confirm progress.

  • 8:00 – Port Tapping
    • Weight – not going in the direction I’d like.  I’ve been walking to work this week a 45 minute walk, so hopefully that will spur exercise
    • Got my routine down – I eat a hard candy so I don’t taste saline and I ask for the special adhesive tape so it doesn’t irritate my skin
  • 8:20 – Met with PA
    • Blood – Passed! I was nervous this would repeat my 3rd treatment and my soldiers would be low (white blood cells), but I passed
    • Side effect talk – nothing really to report.  I’ve been feeling great! Some bad news though – My leg hair seems to be growing back – blerg.
    • Lump – We dicussed and I said I wasn’t sure; if I lay on my side and feel it, it feels smaller but from the top it still feels hard.  Wednesday will be  the official measure.
      • I asked if the goal is to have the lump gone.  She said success can be a few things:
        • No lump,  no cancer – cured!
        • A lump with no cancer – maybe it’s scar tissue
        • Smaller lump with margins of clear so they can do the surgery.  This is the key,  they just need enough margin around the cancer to be able to remove it cleanly.
      • So under any of these circumstances we’ll know the Chemo was successful. I want the first or second, I especially don’t want radiation.
  • 8:40 – Down to infusion
    • Met Shawn, my trusty hubby who’s at each session,  who brought me some Starbucks – Thanks Shawn!
    • Ice still sucks.  My finger nails look good still so it may be working
    • Got a compliment from my neighbor also doing Taxol on my wig
    • 30 Rock is still hilarious.  Liz Lemon is my hero.
  • 10:30 – Done with Chemo!
  • 11:00 – Acupuncture with David
    • Had a nice nap
  • 11:30 – Done – then a fabulous lunch with Heather

If Wednesday looks good and we’re back on track, I’ll be feeling really good, because I really don’t have any side effects.  Plus next week I’m halfway through Taxol! Maybe the hat will come out of hiding!

2 Replies to “5 of 12 Taxol Treatments: 5 and Alive!”

  1. You are INSPIRING! Thank you for continuing to share your journey.
    I vote option 1: no lump, no cancer – CURED!

  2. So, glad your halfway through! Thoughts and prayers for continued healing / success.

    Thinking of you!


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