6/3 – Surgical Excision Déjà vu

Surgery today went well.  It was a bit later at noon with a check in time of 10am so it was quite a bit busier, but it was good because I got to drop off Grace on her first day in her new primary class!

After checking in they got me all prepped.  It took two tries and a pediatric needle to get my IV going finally, but after that it was went well.  I showed my Surgical Oncologist some new bumps near my scar, so we decided to take those pimple-like bumps off too.  This means she had to deflate my left boob another 40ccs to close it.  I now have a much bigger scar, which isn’t my favorite, but one step at a time.  My boob now also looks very weird it’s super tight and flat where they sealed it back together and then all the fluid in the expander is on the left, so it is not a round shape – my right boob is also much bigger.  

But hopefully I’ll get my all cancer free call this week and then I can see the plastic surgeon to figure out how to get these bad boys bathing suit ready (hopefully I can get the rest of my body back in line too). 

I’ll let you know when I get the final pathology, which I’m nervously hoping comes back clear!

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