72 – 96 hours

Things at home are going well. One of the documents sent home with me said the first 72 hours are painful – so I’m hoping by Saturday I can start relaxing on the pain meds (and good new I haven’t taken any pain meds today just the muscle relaxer). It mostly hurts when I go from laying to sitting, laughing and sleeping on my back is also torture…

I showered yesterday. It went fine – it’s never fun looking under the bandages but I think it’s healing well. I also noticed that my eyebrows are almost completely gone. I found tape residue on my eyelids, leading me to think that during surgery they taped my eyes and got my eyebrows with it. Bummer.

The drains are slowing so hopefully we’ll hit our target KPI of <20ccs per drain for 3 days soon – then they come out.

I also received beautiful flowers from one of my favorite clients – thank you guys!!

And a yummy fruit basket from Grama P and Aunt Jeanne. Grace especially loves the oranges!

And thank you to Grandpop and Ms Lou for the fruit flowers! I’m loving the chocolate covered strawberries.

And thank you to Deb and Al for the beautiful Mums!

One Reply to “72 – 96 hours”

  1. Kris,

    So, glad your surgery was successful and results are positive. Your an inspiration to all women dealing with cancer.
    Take care of yourself, go slow and steady!
    Blessing to you, Shawn and Grace,
    Deb and Al

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