9 of 12 Taxol Treatments: 9 and Still feeling Fine (T minus 3)

9th Taxol Treatment Done! 3 more to go!

I had my treatment in the afternoon which was new for me and to my surprise they were super quick!

  • 12:45 – Got to Chemo
  • 12:55 – Port and Blood Drawn
    • Had newer nurse and they had to retap my port after she couldn’t get it in.  Not my favorite, but it wasn’t too bad.  Luckily I remembered the numbing cream though I put it on in my Uber when I remembered
    • My weight was the same this week, which is good because I didn’t eat great last week, I did work out this morning though!
  • 1:05  – Saw the Dr.
    • Toes – Showed the Dr. my black and blue nails.  He mentioned they may fall off but will regrow.  If they are going to fall off, I’m thinking I stop icing them and just let them go – maybe we’ll hold a service for them
    • Sleep – Mentioned Monday nights I have trouble sleeping (we agreed it’s the steroid) so he said I could take up Benadryl to help sleep.  I mentioned the IV Benadryl knocks me out but the pills aren’t as effective.
    • MRI Results – I showed him my blog on the MRI results. He was happy to see progress. He mentioned radiation will depend on surgery. The TNBC will effect my diagnosis if I’m on the line for radiation so I guess I’m still a 50/50 chance
  • 1:15 – Down to infusion
    • They had to clean off my regular chair, as I wasn’t the first one in it today.
    • Had a familiar neighbor I chatted it up with, then napped.
    • They were super quick today and I had one of my favorite nurses
  • 2:45 – Off to acupuncture
  • 3:15 – Done
    • I then headed to pick up Amber which I had washed this weekend.  I figured it was finally time to wash my hair…

Overall it was a good day.  We’re in California this week/weekend, so I’m hoping I don’t get sick as Grace has a cold.  We can’t wait to see Russ and Kaley.  I have a third opinion plastic surgeon tomorrow.  Then down to 3 more!