Cancer Free!

Just got the call with my test results – no cancer, not a trace! My Dr called himself with the great news! Next, on to Cleveland in October to finish up treatment! And to those asking – it is my actually hair in the last picture 🙂

July 11: Medical Tourism

warning it’s a long blog… So it’s official, I’m a medical tourist. Apparently, this is quite the growing industry: $439B global market. And you can see it here at the Cleveland Clinic. This campus is enormous and brand new. It has state of the art technology, modern design, luxury accommodations, and spa music…need I say more. Just arriving here was Read More …

Recurrence Treatment Plan

My new treatment plan is in the works: GemCarbo Chemo Therapy: 6/24 – 8/12: 3 cycles (2 weekly doses followed by 1 week off – They sometimes call this Day 1, Day 8 cycle) Will start with 3 cycles and pending testing may add in more Dates of Chemo – Mondays (6/24, 7/1, 7/15, 7/22, 8/5, 8/12) Because of a Read More …

6/20 – Chemo Training

Alrighty, my third chemo training. By this time I’m an old pro. Here’s some highlights: Switched my first chemo to Monday 6/24 since I figured waiting another week until Friday 6/28 was too long. My chemo infusions will be Mondays. Infusions will be done via IV – no port. They will be very careful as it’s a more delegate situation Read More …

Pathology Deja Vu

Pathology came back and it was all cancer and we still don’t have a clean margin. In the quick conversation I had the nurse, she mentioned my Surgical Oncologist spoke to my Medical Oncologist and they are going to reach out to MD Anderson to review the case and next Wednesday will run it through their panel. The thinking is Read More …

5/15 – Final Pathology…

Unfortunately, the pathology on the removal did not come back with clear margins. They had clear margins on the bottom, but the top was “still involved.” So.. they are going to need to take some more skin. We scheduled the surgery on 6/3 to hopefully take the remaining “involved” skin. The kicker is that they are worried it’s too much Read More …

Happy Friday!

It was a good day! I’ve been walking and getting lots of steps, got my coffee and headed to the medical oncologist. Blood test was good and he said we’re going to move into an observation phase instead of another drug. He is optimistic that after they remove the last bit remaining from the biopsy we’ll be in good shape Read More …

Surgical Oncologist Follow Up

I met with my Surgical Oncologist today. Overall she said the skin has no effects from radiation which is awesome and she checked lymph nodes and nothing concerning. I had another small pimple like bump. It was a bit red but when I laid down it wasn’t red anymore. She wasn’t concerned but we removed/biopsied it anyway. It was super Read More …

Radiation Complete!

On Monday, I had my last radiation treatment. It feels great completing this portion of my treatment. The treated area isn’t as sore, but it is tight and peeling. Redness is slowly fading. The doctor said we’ll see the permanent results in 3-12 months – if the skin tightens or changes. I’m adamant about keeping it moisturized so fingers crossed Read More …

Post Op Week 1: Check Up

  Life at home has been good.  I’ve been weening myself off the pain meds – I take the muscle relaxers and regular Tylenol during the day and then heavier stuff at night.  Sleeping on my back is still extremely uncomfortable.  I’m also finding myself not standing up as straight as I could and sitting weird which I think is Read More …

Final Pathology

Dr called with the final pathology. Highlights: Lymph nodes are clear The spot on top of the left breast had a benign lesion (which was removed) Main spot still showed residual cancer that had shrunk from 2.7 to 1.2cm Right breast was completely benign They were able to remove everything with clear margins With that, we’re considering this a success, Read More …

Say Goodbye to These…

Tonight’s my last night with the old gals. It feels like a normal Monday night outside of the fact that tomorrow is my surgery.  I wanted to send out a few details for inquiring minds: I report to Northside Hospital Breast Care Center tomorrow at 10AM for a Bilateral total Mastectomy, left sentinel lymph node biopsy possible axillary dissection with Read More …

Genetic Testing & Results

6/11/18 – TESTS: So after both doctors telling me to get generic testing and a delay in getting in to see the genetic counselor… I finally had my appointment. It was super confusing if insurance was covering the test.  I called the insurance company – they said I needed a referral.  So I asked the Dr. and they said the Read More …

Wednesday, June 13: Green

Feeling good these days. Finally got my cough under control by taking some decongestants at night and in the morning. It was affecting my sleep, so it has been nice to finally get some rest. The Oncologist called last week with the results from the fluid they pulled from the cyst. She said the fluid was “consistent with breast cancer.”  Read More …

New Breast Cancer Study… No Chemo?

I’ve been getting a lot of forwards and questions about a recently published study showing that, as CNN put it,  “Many women with common breast cancer can safely skip chemo, study says” – you can check out the article here: While the article is great to see and I love seeing new BC research – this study seems focused on Read More …

Look Good Feel Better Seminar

Look Good Feel Better Seminar So Monday, Aubrey and I attending the Look Good Feel Better Seminar, a collaboration between the American Cancer Society, Professional Beauty Association, Look Good Feel Better Foundation and P&G Beauty.  It’s a free workshop offered to those in treatment, where they talk through beauty tips (clothes, wigs, makeup) and they give you an awesome swag Read More …

Monday, May 22: Feeling Great

Monday, May 22: Feeling Great The Ativan was great on Friday to ensure I didn’t have any nausea, though I did fall asleep everywhere I went.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday I’ve felt great.  Having Aubrey in town is awesome – she takes care of me or yells at me for doing too much and not taking it easy.   My cold Read More …

My Hair Scorecard

A seemingly easy decision has proved to be one of the most stressful I’ve encountered.  My hair. As you know I love my hair, it hides my face as only it can.  Once I wrapped my head around losing it (pun intended), it seemed easy – I just needed to decide which wig to get…Then more options emerged including Cold Read More …

My Signature Mole Style

Because I am a pro at Dr’s appointments, I decided to keep my yearly Dermatologist appointment.  As a person who’s 70% covered in moles/freckles, I figured might as well find some skin cancer now – maybe there’s a special on cancers or they can do chemo for both (that’s how it works right?).  Good news though – I was cleared Read More …

Got my PET Scan…

Finally some good news! My PET Scan came back clear! It hasn’t spread, and I believe they have cleared the suspicious Lymph Nodes.  From my non-professional calculations, this makes me a Stage 1 but I won’t officially state it until I hear it from the Doctor.  I assume bribing the doctor to give me a Stage 1 diagnosis is not Read More …

My First Post

As some of you already know, on 3/21 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  It has been a hard few weeks, but we’re happy to have our plan of action.  With that, I’ll be starting Chemo the week of 4/16 for ~20 weeks through 8/31 if all goes well.  Then we’ll get about 4 weeks before surgery.  I’m lucky to Read More …