Biopsy Results – Sad face

Unfortunately the biopsy can back as TNBC cancer. Ironically they called me on the same day as the conference I was attending last year when I found out I had cancer. Maybe next year I don’t go to that conference.

So my Surgical oncologist said we need to do a PET scan to see if it’s spread. If it hasn’t then we just need to remove potentially some of the skin around it and continue with what we’re doing. The removal shouldn’t be impactful – she can potentially do it in her office and we wouldn’t need the plastic surgeon.

I spoke to my medical oncologist who said it’s not uncommon for a local reoccurrence – we may not have removed enough during the mastectomy. He did say the Xeloda should have prevented this hit since it hasn’t well re-evaluate it after the PET scan. Unfortunately the earliest I could get in for a PET was 5/1. The worst part of the waiting and stewing on the unknown.

So hopefully it hasn’t spread and we can just quick remove the rest and get clean margins.

A small positive the grade on the cancer was only 2 not 3 like before.