Final Decision on Plastic Surgeon

When last we spoke, I had was working to finalize my plastic surgeon (PS) and after seeing the following:

  • PS1 – Very nice, breast cancer survivor, in network – but pushing the “belly” reconstruction
  • PS2 – referred from a friend, does great work, recommended expanders or direct to implant and in network – but no longer does reconstructions
  • PS3 – referred from a friend, does excellent work, recommends going Direct to Implant, but is out of network

I was desperate to find someone who was in network, available with an approach I liked.  I finally found one! This was the one fatefully recommended by the lady I met on my last day of Chemo.  I met with this PS, and he said I am a good candidate for Direct to Implant even with the radiation.  He said though he’s cautious and if anything doesn’t look right he’ll do expanders as he’s had a patient’s nipples die.  I really liked this approach.  He’s also worked with my Surgical Oncologist before and specializes in reconstructions.  He also does a lot of work with children’s reconstructions of all kinds.  He’s out of Northside which apparently has a premier women’s surgical center focused on Breasts, which sounds lovely.

With that his schedule was pretty full so schedule coordination was a bit concern but it looks like it’s working out!

One Reply to “Final Decision on Plastic Surgeon”

  1. I bet it feels good to have the next decision made and path in place. Sending good thoughts your way.

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