Happy Friday!

It was a good day! I’ve been walking and getting lots of steps, got my coffee and headed to the medical oncologist. Blood test was good and he said we’re going to move into an observation phase instead of another drug. He is optimistic that after they remove the last bit remaining from the biopsy we’ll be in good shape and in August we’ll do another scan to confirm!

In the time I had left, I ran down to see David my acupuncturist/herbal consultant. I haven’t seen him in forever so it was great to catch up. I ran through my story and he asked how I felt about observation and not taking action. He mentioned we can take action in this 3 months doing a combination of herbal therapies to starve the cancer, focusing on anti inflammatory solutions and boasting the immune system. During this I will also challenge myself to exercise and eat healthy. As an action oriented person, I love the idea of not sitting back for these 3 months. So here’s the plan:

  • Monday 5/13 – Surgery to remove remaining biopsy tissue
  • Tuesday 5/14 – Meet with David (Herbal/Acupuncture) – get an herbal regiment
  • Wednesday 5/22 – Dr. will present to panel and call me with updates (as long as the final pathology on the biopsy is consistent with our current thoughts, we’ll be in good shape)
  • August 14 – CT Scan of Chest and Abdomen (they sent me home with a lovely smoothie to drink prior)
  • August 19 – Follow up with Medical Oncologist
  • TBD – Final Reconstructive Surgery

In the meantime, I reached back out to the plastic surgeon to get his take and to see if he wants to see the scar after this surgery.

So all good! I’m moving off the meds and hopefully can use this 3 months to focus on healthy lifestyle.

Thanks to everyone for the love so far!

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