Hello home, hello couch

We made it home yesterday Wednesday around 6pm. After getting two Percocet for pain we ventured into the car. Now everyone says beware of the seatbelt, but the seatbelt was no problem – the speed bumps and potholes on the other hand nearly put me in tears. But we made it!

And what a lovely surprise: flowers from my Clarkston family!! Thank you guys!

I enjoyed getting comfy on my couch. And thank you to the Pallotta’s for the flowers and food!

The night went ok. I did wake up at 3 and Shawn helped me get some pain meds. Then at 6am I laid in bed trying to talk myself into sitting up. I finally did it after maybe 45 minutes of trying. After that I made it downstairs!

Today wasn’t too bad. I kept the pain medicine on a routine which helped. I alternated between naps, Friends and Orphan Black (thank you Jenny for the recommendation).

And thank you to the Shuman’s for the dinner!

And a big thank you to Shawn for taking good care of me!! He even helps clean my drains – ick 🙂

2 Replies to “Hello home, hello couch”

  1. Kristine,

    Glad the surgery went well and the ride home (which i hear is never good in/around ATL) was a success. You’re a treasure to everyone around you. Hoping you have renewed strength and brighter moments each day. We wish you a fast recovery and hope you better soon! If you need anything please let me know.

    Love you

    Your Florida Family

  2. Kris, we are all happy that surgery went well and you are back home. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
    Love, Uncle Jim

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