Jan 31 – Plastic Surgeon Update

Had an appointment with my plastic surgeon to review my post-radiation status. He said everything looks good! He was very please with how they look. We went ahead and filled my right boob up and even added some to my left boob. They are now uneven again, but the thinking is the left one may shrink with the radiation so having it be a bit bigger may help.

They noted that radiation actually helps with scars, so my left scar is much less noticeable than my right one. Additionally the line that went across my left one seems to finally have subsided.

The key now is to watch for 3-12 months to see the final effects of the radiation. The skin may tighten or darken. Most of the burns and peeling has subsided, but time will tell. They said to keep moisturizing with a petroleum jelly based cream (I’m also using the rest of the steroid creme as well).

I’m also free of restrictions now; I can lift anything, wear bras (though they don’t really work with hard boobs) or do physical therapy to regain flexibility.

My plastic surgeon said they would call to schedule my final reconstruction (to put in the implants) – likely 3-4 months out.