Live Blog! Check back in for updates!

8am – Morning is off to a good start…

10:00am – I’m wearing my incognito brown wig so the paparazzi can’t find me.

I realized I missed an opportunity to make a Kitty shirt for today – oh well. I also forgot my hat!

Northside Breast’s center is nice. I still have to fill out lots of paperwork – man they need automation. They do have a cool status board for Shawn – here’s Shawn’s cheat sheet for the board:

10:38am – they brought me back for prep. They let me put my numbing cream on – booyah! I’m also in a heated seat; woo hoo! I did some paperwork and am now chilling. I also got some kind of goodie bag with Pink swag in it. I’ll check that out later.

11:16 – IV in! Shawn is hanging with me now – we’re trying to find something on the TV; apparently you can watch The View.

We opened my swag bag

11:30 – 12:05 on to radiology

So I thought they would do everything through the IV but radiology said they needed to inject a dye to light up lymph nodes during surgery. She said they needed to do it near my nipple and would use lidocaine shot first. From my experience last week lidocaine hurts! But luckily – this didn’t hurt at all. Now I’m waiting for a transporter to take me up to general surgery. I’m hoping that’s all the needles I’m awake for 🙂

Also – I’m on the board!!

12:30 – just finished at Nuclear medicine. They took marker pictures of the lymph nodes and marked the one under my left arm pit. Easy stuff. Heading to pre-op.

1:00 – the wait begins. Shawn is back here hanging. I can smell the McDonald’s in the building and am starving. The drs will come soon to chat and I’m guessing 2pm is when they start the drugs. Shawn got a sweet pager – I think to let him know his Friday’s table is ready. Now back to my daytime TV.

1:30 – met with anesthesiologist – said I’m her healthiest patient she’s had all day – woot. Did my vitals. Now we’re waiting on the OR to free up and my Drs to get here!

2:15 – 1 of 3 doctors here. Just need two more and we can start. They’re prepping my meds – some Pepcid, motion sickness stuff, pain stuff.

2:45 – Surgical oncologist came in marked up my chest. They gave me my final meds and I went to surgery. The next update comes from Shawn. And I’m going out on my “cancer look.”  For those of you who thought I was faking 🙂 Never show this picture again.

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