Look Good Feel Better Seminar

Look Good Feel Better Seminar

So Monday, Aubrey and I attending the Look Good Feel Better Seminar, a collaboration between the American Cancer Society, Professional Beauty Association, Look Good Feel Better Foundation and P&G Beauty.  It’s a free workshop offered to those in treatment, where they talk through beauty tips (clothes, wigs, makeup) and they give you an awesome swag bag! It was such a great experience, I got some great tips (check out a few below) and got to meet some other amazing ladies going through the same thing.  We also had an awesome instructor!

Look Good Feel Better Workshop


  • Clothes
    • Wear jewel tones, navy, browns – not light colors during chemo which can wash you out
  • T Shirt head wrap
    • Take an old T Shirt and cut across just below the sleeves to make a band then you can tie it into a head scarf
  • Wipe Up
    • When putting on lotions or removing make up, wipe up not down.  It’s like a quick face lift instead of always pulling down on your face
  • Be Clean
    • Cleaning brushes is important. Contamination of make up is a big no no
    • Try to use disposable applicators instead of the brushes that come with make up
    • Use an alcohol spray on your good brushes and even on your compacts
  • Mascara
    • Throw it out every 60-90 days (so my 2 year old mascara should probably be thrown away?)
    • Swirl when dipping in the mascara, don’t stab in the container – you’re not trying to murder people
    • Buy disposable mascara applicators
  • Powder
    • Use brush on powder to set in make up
  • Brows
    • We got a lesson on recreating brows – as mine will most likely fall off, so this was key
    • We learned how to draw to form a natural line
    • Prosthetic eye brows are also available

4 Replies to “Look Good Feel Better Seminar”

  1. Great tips-especially about replacing mascara. You probably don’t remember because you were too young but many years ago I got a number of reoccurring eye infections that turned out to be from using mascara and eye liners that I should have thrown out!

  2. So glad Aubrey could come to visit! You look amazing in all of these photos; that wig is on point! You’re such a strong, positive woman…I’m so proud of you. Let’s get together soon! Love you Kris!

  3. Love, love, love your attitude – nothing more important!!! Think of you every day – just last night, Chris asked about you. Sending love from this part of the family, gorgeous!!!💕

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