Monday, June 4: Chemo Status: Feeling Good, but a Little Swollen

I’ve been feeling good! Still milking this cough that is lingering from a cold and feeling bloated but overall still doing really well.  Friday after chemo I was a little drowsy and my stomach was a bit unsettle, but nothing bad. I think not having the full does of Ativan may have left me a bit restless.  The rest of the weekend I felt really great.  Last night though, I woke up a bit restless (I find I don’t sleep well Saturday, Sunday and Monday after chemo when I’m on the steroids) and I noticed that my tiny cancer lump was very swollen and sore.  I called my doctor today and luckily I have an appointment with the surgical oncologist Wednesday who can check it out.  My oncologist said to watch for a fever, redness and hotness, as we need to be sure there is no an infection.  They think it could be mastitis which is an infection of the breast ducts, very common in breast feeding women if a duct gets clogged.  I’m telling myself that all the dying cancer is clogging my ducts! So my body is just flushing it.  Finger crossed the swelling goes down by Wednesday and the lump is super small for my ultrasound.  I’l keep you posted.

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