MRI Results – Improvement Documented

I got my MRI results back and while they didn’t answer the specific question I was asking (do I still have a lump or is it just the cyst), it showed much improvement.  Here is the highlights in my translated version:

  • Site of the lump – original MRI showed 3.4cm worth of enhancement and it now measures 2.7cm. So they do believe treatment is working.  It does not distinguish the 1cm tumor from the 1cm cyst.
  • Site 2 – in the last MRI a spot at this location showed enhancement that was 4.7cm which is now only showing .7cm. Now we never confirmed this was cancerous, but it’s significantly reduced.
  • Site 3 – in the previous MRI, multiple items enhanced in this location, but this time only one 3mm “focus of enhancement” showed “delayed persistent kinetics” which I’m still trying to look up. (This site kind of talked about it –  On the site they use terms “increasing”, “plateau” or “washout”.  He mentioned washout tends to be related to cancer.  I’m not sure which one “persistent” is.  Either way, this region has significantly less enhancement than the original MRI.
  • Right side: nothing abnormal
  • No evidence of chest wall invasion, nipple involvement, left internal mammary or left axillary lymphadenopathy (in the last MRI some left internal mammary nodes and left axillary adenopathy involvement was detected which we thought may have been from biopsy). This is great news!

So overall this is definite progress and good news.  Still no info on the cyst though.

3 Replies to “MRI Results – Improvement Documented”

  1. Please keep this wonderful news coming. I particularly enjoyed the Site 2 statistic: 85% reduction in the spot!
    Yay! Yay! Yay!

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