My Day in the Hopital

So last night went ok. I did get a bit sick but they gave me some meds and cleared it up. Got some sleep though they came in every few hours to do vitals so the sleep was intermittent.

Today has been good. Doctors said everything looks good and we’ll be discharged late this afternoon. I had some breakfast this morning and Shawn got us Jinya ramen for lunch – yum!

Here’s a bad picture to prove it.

Pain has been about a 5 so they keep me on muscle relaxers and Percocet. I have very limited movement range and changing positions hurts a bunch. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. I used the bathroom and took a walk so it’s been all good! I got fitted for a special camisole which has pockets for my drains. Pretty hot stuff.

So we’re waiting on being discharged – I have to get 2 more checks (e.g. pee twice more). Let the box checking begin.

Thank you to everyone for the love today. Special thanks to the Liddell family for the beautiful flowers!

4 Replies to “My Day in the Hopital”

  1. Wonderful! Thank you so much for letting us know that the surgery went well. Cheers to a healthy recovery… those flowers are gorgeous!

  2. So so so so happy to hear how well the surgery went and that you nodes were clear. I shed a few tears in the Charlotte airport as I read this wonderful news. I am thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

  3. You have the best attitude, Your an amazing woman. So glad to hear your doing well. Your in our thoughts and prayers.

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