New Breast Cancer Study… No Chemo?

I’ve been getting a lot of forwards and questions about a recently published study showing that, as CNN put it,  “Many women with common breast cancer can safely skip chemo, study says” – you can check out the article here:

While the article is great to see and I love seeing new BC research – this study seems focused on the more common types of Breast Cancers that are fed by hormones. As I’m triple negative, the study doesn’t apply to my specific types of treatment with this more aggressive cancer. It is also about 2 months too late for me, as I’m almost halfway done with Chemo!  They also talk a lot about genetic testing and an Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score which I don’t have. I go for genetic testing next week, so we’ll see if they are running that diagnostic. The last key take away for me from the study was that premenopausal women under 50 seemed to have better results from Chemo as our tumors are more aggressive, so for now I’m still feeling good about going the chemo route. Not to mention my getting ready in the morning is cut down by 40 minutes not having to do my hair!

Thanks to those looking out for studies and articles!