Post Op Week 10: Radiation Week 3

I’m now into week 3 of radiation and all is going well. Treatments don’t hurt, and I don’t yet have any noticeable side effects.  The Dr. said if by week 3 or 4 I don’t have much noticeable redness/reactions then I likely will get away with no blistering.  They did say there is low likelihood there will be no noticeable side effects though. 

Outside of radiation being a pain since it’s every day for 15 minutes, it has been fine.  Tuesdays they take X-Rays and I see the doctor, so it take a bit longer.  Today they said I have some small adjustments to the positioning (e.g. I think I gained weight – blerg).  Other days I’m in and out.  My skin is tight, but feels fine.  I’m actively using the Rx cream they gave me.  I still have to wear the markings but I just wear clothes that cover them.  

So with the count down going strong, I just need to think about any follow up chemos.