Post Op Week 13: Radiation week 6 of 8

Radiation going well. So far very few side effects. On Friday I noticed some redness in a few areas but after the weekend it disappeared. I’ve also noticed some light cramping in my ribs under my left boob, but the doctor said it’s not worry some – we’ll watch it. A nurse said it could be the nerves regaining feeling.

I also met with my medical oncologist. He is recommending trying the Xeloda. While I could chose not to there’s little side effects and I could stop anytime. More importantly it’s orally given and wouldn’t prevent me from doing anything (like travel). It would be for 24 weeks and I would see the Dr every 3 weeks for a blood test. We’ll check back in on 1/21 to see if I’m still committed to doing it.

I’m down to 8 days left!