Post Op Week 4: Plastic Surgeon Check Up

Had an appointment with the plastic surgeon:

  • Fill: we added another 100ccs to each side (we’re at 340/350).  We are done with the right one for now and the left we’ll add some more next week as we need to over inflate it in case it shrinks during radiation. I need to see how much bigger to go in general. This size is not bad, but we’ll see next week how they look. She said the expanders wouldn’t take anymore today – they are pretty full. Monday is the next fill and final one for a while.
  • Healing: I saw the doctor he said it looks great and is healing very well. They took off the remainder of the surgical glue which is nice.
  • Restrictions: I can now run and do leg workouts (hopefully I actually do).  Still no heavy lifting for 8-12 weeks.
  • Final Surgery: we need to wait 3 months (March/April) after radiation to put in the final implants and then see if we need fat grafting etc. I’ll meet with Dr. again 6 weeks after radiation.

This fill was a lot so I’m now pretty sore, but taking some Tylenol and muscle relaxers.

Yesterday was my first day back at work.  All went well.  I even came in to this lovely surprise! Thank you to my amazing co-workers for the lovely welcome back.