Post Op Week 4: Surgical Oncologist Check Up

Recovery is going well. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I start back at work. Physically I’m doing well. Mentally another week would be great 🙂 I’m still sore and I still have some limited range in my arms but nothing too bad. My chest is mostly numb and it feels strange to touch – it feel like if you were hugging a pillow and someone touched the the pillow, you can’t feel the touch but you can feel the pressure in the back. The thing I really miss is feeling Grace put her head on my chest; that’s one of my favorite things as a mom is holding Grace and having her rest against me. Hopefully that will return.

I had my follow up at my Surgical Oncologist today which went well:

  • Healing looks good – she was asking what the strange line across my left boob was. I said it was there since surgery. She thought maybe there was tape. It is peeling so she said to put Neosporin on it
  • Small lump – She looked at the small pimple size lump and did an ultrasound. She thinks it’s a stitch or scar tissue. The ultrasound didn’t show anything. She said if grows to come back and she’ll do a punch biopsy and remove it all. I noted it hasn’t grown since I noticed it. I joked that this is my new norm – calling her if I notice anything, she said yes that’s exactly it.
  • Follow up – I see her again 3 months after radiation

With that, a few more thank yous!

Thank you to Diane, Bo, Gina and Nicole for the amazing gift basket – it went quick!

Thank you to the Network Of Executive Women – Atlanta for the beautiful flowers!! Looking forward to being at the next event!

Thank you to the Janice and my Cedar Grove Family for the Breast Cancer T-Shirt from the SGK walk and the lovely thoughts and wishes!

Thank you to Camille and Mike for the lovely card and thoughts!

Also thank you to Alba (Aubrey’s friend) for the beautiful card sent all the way from Denmark. How sweet!!