Post Op Week 6: Radiation Mapping

I had my meeting with the radiation oncologist to map my body and create the molds for radiation.  All went well and they should call me next week with my radiation schedule.  Here’s the low down:

  • Mold – I changed from bottom up and then they had me lay on the machine (looked like a big MRI machine) and made a mold for me to lay in. They took a beanbag like pillow that I laid on and I held my hands over my head and then they sucked the air out of the beanbag pillow until it was a firm mold.  Now each time I’m there I will be in the exact same position
  • Breathing – Next we practiced breathing.  They put a block on your tummy and you practice holding your breath at the top of the breath for 20 seconds.  I got much better after a few times, apparently I was letting out air slowly the first time.
  • Marking – Next they use a not so special green marker to make markings.  I have to keep 4 of the marking on the whole duration of radiation.  They put tape on them, so I can shower and sent me home with a take home gift (the green marker).  They did offer to do a small tattoo instead of the markers, I chose the markers. (they said Sharpies are better).
  • Scan – Last they scanned my body with the markings
  • Education – Last they walked me through some educational material
    • After radiation, I put on my Rx creme (Mometasone) 3x a day, but not before radiation. I should also wear lose clothes.

One Reply to “Post Op Week 6: Radiation Mapping”

  1. everything will be fine. I did it and it was no problem. You have been so courageous and upbeat!

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