Radiation Complete!

On Monday, I had my last radiation treatment. It feels great completing this portion of my treatment. The treated area isn’t as sore, but it is tight and peeling. Redness is slowly fading.

The doctor said we’ll see the permanent results in 3-12 months – if the skin tightens or changes. I’m adamant about keeping it moisturized so fingers crossed we can avoid anything lasting. I’ll know more when I talk to the plastic surgeon in a few weeks about how long we’ll wait to replace the expanders. The radiologist mentioned some surgeons leave them in longer to allow the skin to complete any changes.

I also asked when I’m considered in remission – didn’t get a straight answer. I am technically cancer free right now but apparently with an asterisk.

So for now I’m enjoying not having daily appointments and will head back to see doctors in a few weeks.


3 Replies to “Radiation Complete!”

  1. Congratulations! You did it with such a positive attitude. I am sure every one is so proud of you. Now relax and have some fun. Forget about all this if you can. Georgia

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