Round 2 Chemo: 1 of 6 Infusions

Alrighty, it’s round 2. Unfortunately, it feels like just yesterday I rang the bell at chemo and here I am again. The hat came back today and again brought some smiles. My favorite chair was taken but I still got a good corner spot. My new friend behind me is practicing guitar so it’s not a bad day so far.

Overall the chemo went fine. They were able to run the IV with no trouble which is nice (having prepared for multiple pricks).

The steroid was dripped, not pushed, so no ants in the pants. They warned me about the Gemcitabine which apparently burns when given through an IV but, luckily, I had no issues. They can dilute it with saline if it does. The drips felt cold but that was about it. Even the saline taste wasn’t bad. Overall it was an easy 3 hours.

I also got in touch with the Dr from the Cleveland Clinic and am working to get records transferred so I can book an appointment. I will need to travel in person for the first visit, which I can hopefully do early July.

I started my physical therapist search and even looked into a yoga class.

Overall, I’m feeling good while anxiously waiting to see the bumps disappear.  With that, hopefully I can get this back muscle pain under control as well and get back to normal!  Day 1 done!

3 Replies to “Round 2 Chemo: 1 of 6 Infusions”

  1. The hat looks great, and you look great! I’ll be wishing for another easy day for you on Monday.

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