Round 2 Chemo: 2 of 6 Infusions – DONE!

Ok after much anticipation – round 2 done! Today went ok, though slow – I’m sure that’s because I was trying to move quick to head to the lake with the girls!

I passed my tests and confirmed they can’t draw the blood when they do the IV, they have to stick twice. Apparently, when they used to do blood tests with the IV, the blood would hemo-something, so they have to do them separately. So the blood drawing was good, but the first IV they tried blew the vein (that was less than fun) and then they got a vein on the outside of my right arm. Outside of the arm seems to hurt when they push which isn’t my favorite but has worked so far. The one drug they pushed stung a bit, but after that the chemo drips went smooth. I rocked out to Ariana Grande and did some work!

I got my new schedule – We are keeping with Day 1, Day 8 (so 2 weeks on and 1 week off) with a new Friday schedule. I will give myself Zarxio Injection on days 4, 5, 6 and then 18, 19, 20. I got”trained” on sticking myself. At first I didn’t think I could do it, but I forget that we used to try to pierce our own belly buttons – I think I can handle this.

In other good news, the main cancer bump I had seems to have shrunk. It’s still red, but there is no hard lump under the red spot! That is taking some stress off seeing it working.

A special thanks to Irene for joining me in Atlanta this week – it was so therapeutic! Also thanks to Georgia for the “Instead of Flowers” meal!

Next week is my week off of chemo, so hopefully all will go well with little side effects and my trip to Cleveland will be uplifting. My next chemo is 7/19, but for now it’s off to the lake with my girls and our families!

2 Replies to “Round 2 Chemo: 2 of 6 Infusions – DONE!”

  1. Good News… thinking of you and everyone.

    Positive thoughts for a successful trip / treatment in Cleveland.

    Deb and Al

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