Round 2 Chemo: 2 of 6 Infusions – POSTPONED

Unfortunately, I failed the white blood cell count today (Neutropenia). The PA said this is pretty normal with this chemo. So, we’re going to do a drug to boast my white blood cells. This is similar to the Neulasta I had with AC. I did one shot today and will go back for one tomorrow and one Wednesday. We’ve rescheduled chemo for Friday. From here the Dr. can either keep doing the shots (they said I can give them to myself or have Shawn give them to me) or they can also look to do “Day 1 and Day 15” chemo vs. the every Monday. These are preferable options vs. dropping my dosage. They are calling me back with what the doctor wants to do. But for now I’m going back tomorrow and Wednesday for the shots, then Friday morning chemo.

Definitely a bummer, but I’m used to this now, so I didn’t take it as hard. I can wait until Friday. I’ll just have to enjoy a week instead.

With that, she did prescribe some muscle relaxers for my back pain. She also said it’s unlikely it’s cancer related since it’s only when I move in certain directions. And good news my throat issue is gone.

I also sampled a few new wigs today and am looking into seeing a few other doctors in Cleveland for second opinions. I’m more just curious if anyone has other recommendations we should be thinking about.

I’m also fully onboard with this Vegan/Pescitarian thing, plus I’m down 10lbs!

6 Replies to “Round 2 Chemo: 2 of 6 Infusions – POSTPONED”

  1. I’m sorry you couldn’t get your treatment today, love. You’re right that the week will go by fast and the meds will help- are there any foods that help boost white blood cell count? Will consult Google.

  2. Bad news today but only minor setback (I hope). I think you are smart to learn all you can in Cleveland. Love Grandpa

  3. You are so strong Kristine. Take it a day at a time and you will reach your goal!

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