Round 2 Chemo: 3 of 6 Infusions – DONE!

Spoiler – I was cleared for Chemo!

I saw my surgical oncologist this morning about the lovely infected hole in chest. She cleaned it out and “packed it” with antibiotic gauze and gave me care instructions (wash twice a day and repack once a day). I’ll see them next Wednesday to be sure it’s heeling. She is also going to test it for any other types of infection.

I then headed to chemo and there were no issues. The PA said if the wound (which I should name – Hole-y?) isn’t healing that they can give me more shots to boast BWC. I’m hoping the antibiotic and care will get this done though. I have vacation in a week, so this better not impact that.

Outside of that, chemo was good – no issues. They called in the ER nurse to do my IV and she was a pro. She got a vein in one try. She explained they use small needles here, so the veins slip around when you try to hit them.

So all good here! One more down. Hopefully it keeps going well and we can just get this infection taken care of so I can go back to “new normal.”

2 Replies to “Round 2 Chemo: 3 of 6 Infusions – DONE!”

  1. Good news! Thoughts and prayers for a good week and a relaxing vacation.

    Take care,
    Deb and Al

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