Round 2 Chemo: 5 of 6 Infusions – DONE!

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It was a good week. Monday, I went to the surgical oncologist. The biopsy wound is doing well but we put a stitch in it and it seems to be much better. She did put me on another round of antibiotics preventatively.

Wednesday I had an OB appointment – which was good. They recommended an ultrasound of my ovaries every so often to watch for ovarian cancer, as some forms of BC are correlated to it. So I’ll get one scheduled shortly.

Chemo yesterday went well. I was slightly anemic but they said that was to be expected and my white blood cell counts looked good. The anemia may make me more tired. So overall it was a good treatment – next week is my last one! The day yesterday was good, though I did run a slight fever at the end of the day. I called the Dr and they said to take some Tylenol and the fever was gone in the morning, so all is good.

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