Round 2 Chemo: 6 of 6 Infusions – CHEMO COMPLETE (Pending scan)!

Great news! I finished my final round of Chemo today! My Dr. also checked the skin and my lymph notes and said it looks good and, pending the CT Scan on 8/26 doesn’t show it’s spread, I’m cleared for the next step – surgery!

So with that, he also said I need to finalize my Surgical Oncologist switch, so next week I’m going to book it with my new Dr and break up with my old Dr. next week when I get my stitches out. Tips for breaking up with Drs. welcome.

Other than that he said my white counts looked great, my red counts are down and I’m still anemic, but they haven’t dropped since last round – so I may just be extra tired, fatigued or short of breath if I work out.

I also confirmed the 2 fevers/flu like symptoms I had with last Friday’s round of chemo (I had the one on Friday and then one on Sunday night – both were treatable with Tylenol and only lasted the night) so he said that is consistent with the GemCARBO and not a concern.

Outside of that, Chemo was great today! I had my good friend Andy with me! He was actually in to get an Iron Infusion so we scheduled them together. Infusion Party! He got down early to get us chairs together, then we had an amazing lunch at Little Rey! It was also great to have Andy there when I rung the bell to celebrate (fingers crossed) my last chemo ever! Thank you Andy!!

So I’ll keep you posted on my stitches out next week, the Dr. Switch and Surgery scheduling.

4 Replies to “Round 2 Chemo: 6 of 6 Infusions – CHEMO COMPLETE (Pending scan)!”

  1. Wonderful!!!! I’m super happy that y’all had your infusion party and that it was your LAST CHEMO!!

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