Say Goodbye to These…

Tonight’s my last night with the old gals. It feels like a normal Monday night outside of the fact that tomorrow is my surgery.  I wanted to send out a few details for inquiring minds:

  • I report to Northside Hospital Breast Care Center tomorrow at 10AM for a Bilateral total Mastectomy, left sentinel lymph node biopsy possible axillary dissection with port removal and breast tissue reconstruction with tissue expander or implants
  • Surgery is at 2:30pm and is expected to take 4-5 hours
  • I will spend at least one night at the hospital
  • Mom will have Grace and Shawn will be joining me as a Diamond member at the hotel Northside Hospital
  • Surgery:
    • First will be the double mastectomy and port removal
    • Then they will test the lymph nodes
    • They will perform reconstruction either with implants if things look clear or a tissue expander if it doesn’t
    • Acellular Dermal Matrix from cadaver skin or pig skin may be used to contour the pocket around the implant
    • We should have some test results tomorrow, and full pathology 5 days after; this will determine any radiation or oral chemo needed
  • Post Surgery Restrictions:
    • No work for 4 weeks
    • No vigorous exercise for 1 week
    • No lifting >10lbs for 4 weeks
    • No showering for 72 hours
    • No travel for 2 weeks
    • No tummy sleeping
    • No driving while on pain meds and use automatic transmissions when you do drive
    • Full recovery 4-6 weeks
    • Drains for 1-2 weeks or once there is less than 30ccs in 24 hours
  • Other stuff
    • If there are expanders you have to report in occasionally to have them expanded (filled with water with a needle) apparently this won’t hurt because you don’t get feeling back in your boobs for a long time, if you do get feeling back

With that.. As Kitty would say –  –

Say Goodbye to These,  Michael…

6 Replies to “Say Goodbye to These…”

  1. Kris, our prayers are with you and we are confident that it will be a complete success.
    Love, Grandma & Grandpa

  2. Grandpop and I love you keeping you in our thought your are an amazing beautiful lady.

  3. Kristine our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are an amazing lady we love you. Love ❤️ Ms Lou & Grandpop

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