Saying Goodnight and Thank you for Taking the Journey with Me

Ok I made it! It’s 11:30 now and I’m loaded up on pain meds. From what I hear surgery went well,  It was very hazing coming out, but I think it looked not too bad when they showed me – the incisions if they stick to the markings are more on the sides and in the creases, which I think will heal nicely.

Oddly, when I woke up I was also very emotional – there were some tears.  Not exact sure why,but all my emotions seemed to flood in.  But I’m doing well now.

Some highlights:

  • I got to my room around 9pm
  • I was pretty hazing when I woke up. They have wrapped my chest like a mummy
  • Got a catheter which is weird but fine.
  • Lots of nausea meds.  i’m a little queasy at times, Like right this second,
  • I’ve had some saltines, water, chicken broth, and a jello.
  • I’m super sleepy. Will probably take a nap for a few hours until they come wake me. Shawn’s got a bed beside.
  • Pain – well when I’m not moving it’s fine.  If I breath hard, it feels like a tight pain, Arm moving also creates some pain.  we’re trying to keep on top of the pain as it’s easier to manage if we don’t let it get bad.  May be time for some more meds.
  • Cancer – I woke up with tons of questions, but I won’t get to see my Dr.yet.  Shawn said they were both saying how successful everything is.
  • Still hoping to discharge tomorrow
  • Found the end of Mrs. Doubtfire and the beginning of Legally Blond on hospital tv…not too shabby

Alright – signing off for the night.  A big thank you to everyone. I was showered with love and thoughts today which absolutely helped me get through it!

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