Sept 25: 1 Week Post Op

So in spirit of my f-cancer attitude, I caved and finally cut my hair into my bad-a$$ look.

So recovery has been going well. The first 3 days were not too bad, as the numbing agents were doing their job. Sunday night at bed time I started to have some pain when laying down and breathing out. So Monday and Tuesday I had to sleep sitting up which was no fun. I’ve had a few headaches and chills but no fever so it hasn’t been too bad. Last night was the first time I took the Rx pain meds to help sleep but other than that I’ve been managing with just Tylenol.

I had my appointment to get fitted for my fake boob (or at least my temporary form – I get the silicone one 4-6 weeks after radiation). After the fitting I saw my surgeon. He said everything looks great and even took out the drain. He wasn’t concerned with the chest pain, saying it was surgical pain and should be getting better.

They still don’t have the test results, but he said this is nothing to worry about and still expects to call me with good news.

In other great news – Aubs is home! She got to join me today at the doctor which was fabulous.

I’ll keep you posted when I hear about the test results.

Before and after hair!

2 Replies to “Sept 25: 1 Week Post Op”

  1. I love the hair. News is great, I’m so happy for your whole family….Love, Grandma Paula (GP)

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