September 16: Pre-Op Updates

Since last we left:

  • Medical Oncology:
    • After finishing chemo, it was quiet on the MO front. I finished my Zarxio injections and have felt good
    • My hair has been ” thinning” quite a bit but I got 2 new wigs, so we’re all good
  • Surgical Oncology:
    • I had an appointment with my new surgical oncologist (who is both a plastic surgeon and a surgical oncologist).
    • He is recommending taking out the expander, to which we may have to put it back in after radiation. I’ve tried to connect him with my radiation oncologist so they can see if it’s actually necessary to remove it. I would prefer to keep it and just deflate it if we don’t have to remove it for medical reasons.
    • Surgery is apparently going to be more invasive than I thought. No overnight needed in the hospital (as of right now) but they are talking about me having another drain that would be in for 1 week. They were going to have me be out on leave for 4 weeks, but I negotiated them down to 1.5 weeks. I have places to be…
    • I was given a prescription for a breast prosthetic and some special camisoles/bras which will hold the prosthetic and the drains. These are much nicer than the one I got last time. Apparently, you can go to a boutique and get nice ones. My insurance covers 3 I believe. The actual prosthetic I won’t get until after surgery. First, I’ll be fitted for a Styrofoam one, which will be light for healing and during radiation, then I’ll get a silicone one which I’ll use for 3-9 months until expansion or reconstruction.
    • I had my pre-op appointment today. It went well, outside of the nurse sticking me twice to draw blood. I’ve never had someone try to draw blood from my hand or need to go in twice. Grr.
  • Radiation Oncology:
    • Had a virtual meeting with my RO. We’re ready to schedule the radiation in Cleveland. She seemed to think having the expander in was not a problem.
  • Physical Therapy
    • PT was good. I gained some range in my arms and got a bunch of stretches and exercises to keep working on. I’ll have to pause with surgery but can then hopefully get it back on track.

So Thursday is surgery – hopefully it will go well and I’ll get clear margins!

5 Replies to “September 16: Pre-Op Updates”

  1. I think I’ve mentioned this but you come from a family with small veins. I’ve had issues with it in the past and have had it in the hand a few times. And Grama L really had a hard time with it when they tried to draw blood. It seems to vary with the person drawing the blood—some have no trouble at all.

    Love you,

    1. Please tell her we said hi! It’s been forever since we’ve seen her, but mom gives me the updates!

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