Thursday, May 31: Sorry for Slacking – Feeling Great

Sorry for slacking! It’s so hard to remember to post your status when you have Monday off and you’re feeling great!  It’s been a good week though. It was amazing having Aubrey here, and I’ve been feeling “normal” with lots of energy. I even started working out again. 2 days in a row! Plus, I got myself a new FitBit and am back on the 10k steps a day diet.  Thanks to Sarah for doing our meetings as walking meetings. My biggest challenge is controlling my weight.  The steroids combine with a visitor have kept me plumper than I would like, so I’m trying to get back on my healthy diet and drop the excess weight.   I also had a good meeting with my nutritionist yesterday too and she was happy to hear I’m not having any side effects.  She is also optimistic that if I’m reacting so well to the AC, the Taxol will be a breeze.  Here is to a positive mental attitude (PMA as Mike would say). I’ve got drinks tonight with a neighbor Wendy, who I just found out is a survivor!  I read her blog and am excited to chat with her tonight.  And then… tomorrow is the last AC treatment!!   Talk to you then.