Update From Shawn!

Guest columnist Shawn here to give you an update while Kris recovers.
Today went pretty well. Surgery was scheduled for 2, we ended up getting back there around 3. Dr. Bowman came out around 5. and smiled as she said that her lymph nodes came back negative….awesome news! She said she felt great coming out of the procedure and was leaving Kris in the able hands of Dr. Mackay. Around 7:30, Dr. Mackay came back out equally as satisfied with how the procedure went. He explained that the expanders were partially filled (220 & 200 cc of 500 cc capacity units) and that everything looked great. He explained that the expanders were placed behind the muscle which ensures that the skin gets good blood supply from the muscle tissue which helps ensure proper healing. He explained some of the things to watch out for, what would be normal for the healing process and what to be on the look out for as a ‘concern’. At this point I got queasy and had to sit down…I’m sure it was the hospital McDonald’s I had for lunch and not my flimsy constitution but regardless I had to seek refuge in front of a guy who was still streaming Celine Deon from the phone clipped to his belt…not my proudest moment. Shortly after that, I got to go up to Kris’ room and see how she was doing. Her ability to handle the situation standing antithetical to my own, she was asking for red jello and about when she could go home. A few midnight meds and she’s back resting.* She should be back up and at it in the morning so expect a proper update then!