Wednesday, June 13: Green

Feeling good these days. Finally got my cough under control by taking some decongestants at night and in the morning. It was affecting my sleep, so it has been nice to finally get some rest. The Oncologist called last week with the results from the fluid they pulled from the cyst. She said the fluid was “consistent with breast cancer.”  She mentioned while this cyst was abnormal, it wasn’t concerning and that we’ll proceed with the Taxol and removal after. I asked what “consistent with breast cancer” meant, and she said there may be a cystic component to the cancer. I’m still not exactly clear, but I’m telling myself all the dying cancer caused a cyst which had some cancer in it. The Dr. said if it happens again we can drain it again. The swelling has all gone down now and while the cancer is still smaller, its different than before the cyst. I can’t tell if its bigger than before the cyst. Either way we’ll take another ultrasound on 7/11 to try to get a better picture of the progress.

But either way I’m feeling good. Friday is Taxol – I’m optimistic it’ll be easier than the AC treatment. I’d also like to not have to take the Ativan which made me sleep. The other nice thing is I’ll only get steroids with the chemo, I won’t have to take more steroids after the Taxol, which is nice.  So we’ll see how Friday goes!

One Reply to “Wednesday, June 13: Green”

  1. Good to hear your cough is under control and sleep is getting better. I hope your trip this week went well.

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